So here I am vacationing in Israel. About a few days ago, I submitted my first audio submission ever. It's nothing special really. Just some guitar recording I made a while ago. It still hasn't been approved yet, but once it is, I'll be uploading another. On that same day of my audio submission, I decided to get FL Studio and make my own trance song. I'm proud to say that it is finished! (more of a long trance Loop than a Song though.) So once you see my first audio submission pop up, make sure to take a look at my other stuff too! =D
As for what I'm doing now: I'm working on a Bleach dance remix of the song 'Asterisk' by 'Orange Range'. Yes. That's right. Bleach as in the anime =P. I can't wait to show you guys when it's done. Especially you Bleach fans out there!
About me:
Since this is my first profile post, I might as well list some things about me.
Name: Denis Kreynin
Place of Birth: Minsk, Belarus (and can speak Russian too!)
Age: 19
Birthday: April 28, 1989
Favorite Color: Green
Hobbies: Guitar, Video Games, Anime, Song Writing
Where and What: I'm a student at UCF in Orlando, Florida.
If you have any questions of any kind, feel free to post them in the comments area or send me a PM!